Thursday, October 20, 2016

Top 5: Pictures that speak a thousand words to me

hey guys, i'm back again with my unstoppable top 5 series lol i tried brainstorming on topics that i should cover or blog about but somehow i always end up with the top 5 series. i think because it's much easier for me to elaborate? but i'll try to vary my posts sooner or later. 

people say that a picture is worth a thousand words. i went to my phone's gallery, scrolled up and down to look at the pictures i took. wow a picture does worth a thousand words. so, in this post i'd like to share the top 5 pictures that stir my emotion, recall my memories, and speak a thousand words to me.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Top 5: bad habits of people in the public that i can't stand

(i made this lame edit using my phone lol)

after abandoning this blog for more than a month, ryu is finally back! and i'm going to commemorate my return (LOL) with my top 5 series! /clap clap clap/ i think i would be doing lots of top 5 series cuz it's literally the most written draft in my notebook. 

being the introvert i am, i am a homebody who prefers to be at home most of the time. but sometimes, whether it's planned or not, i still have to go out into the public. and every time i go out, i understand why i prefer being at home. in this post, i would like to share the top 5 , in no particular order (I HATE THEM EQUALLY I HATE THEM WITH BURNING PASSION) bad habits of people in the public that i seriously can't stand.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

my short singapore getaway (part 2 aka final part)

i shall continue with my photo post from my singapore getaway. looking at the photos relives my memorable experience in the city of lion. enjoy the final part!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

my short singapore getaway (part 1)

hey guys! it's been awhile since my last post. i've been busy with my personal matters and even when i settled them, i was quite lazy to write a post lol. going straight to the post, this is a belated post about my singapore getaway from 2nd july (saturday) to 4th july (sunday) (which is more than a month ago? O_O ) so, i'm going to divide the post into 2 or 3 parts, depending whether i'm diligent enough lol because it's going to be a photo adventure rather than words. and yup, all photos are taken with either my old sony camera or mobile phone, so you'll see my awkward placement of watermark on the pics. enjoy~

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Q&A session with ryu (again?)

(i made this online lol i really like that pic :3 )

this is a rest post from the neverending top 5 series. in this blog post, i answered some random questions that i think are interesting (i basically googled for interesting questions lol). i think by answering these questions, it reveals things more things about myself to me than to others. i'd answered 30 random questions. well then, enjoy knowing me~ LOL